Planning out your 2024 content and looking for the perfect hashtag holidays to use for your business each month? We got you!
You need to stay on top of your social media game these days to reach your audience and stay connected. But coming up with new content all the time can be hard. Hashtag holidays can be a fantastic way to come up with relevant topics to add to your content calendar!
What Are Hashtag Holidays?
Hashtag holidays are global or national holidays or special themed days that have many post about and celebrate on social media — each with their own hashtag (hence the name hashtag holidays)! You probably know the big ones – Valentine’s Day, International Women’s Day, April Fools Day, etc.
But did you ever think to post on National Pizza Day? Yep, that’s a day and it’s on February 9th! It could be a great opportunity if you run a cooking blog and you have a delicious pizza recipe to share. There are unique days like this every month that you could work seamlessly into your social media calendar!
Why Would You Use Hashtag Holidays?
Using hashtag holidays is a great way to come up with new content! (Especially when you have a complete guide right here with our complete 2024 hashtag holiday calendar!) You can sprinkle in a special day here and there to keep your content fresh, relevant, and timely.
Plus, it will give you a creative break from having to come up with ALL of your social media topics from scratch. People love fun, special days, so it’s a great way to get a response from your audience as well!
How to Use Hashtag Holidays to Your Advantage
It’s important to keep in mind that you want the hashtag days that you pick to be relevant to your business. So National Pancake Day might not be a great choice if you’re a business focusing on ocean conservation, but if you run a birthday event company, it might be a great choice!
Hashtag holidays can be a great source of inspiration to create some new and cool content that will resonate with your customers. The best way to utilize them is by sprinkling a relevant hashtag holiday here and there to keep your audience interested and your content fun! You’ve probably seen other businesses post on major holidays, and now you know why! The best thing is that there is a day for practically everything, so you’re sure to find something relevant to your business.
Real-Life Examples of Hashtag Holidays
Big Blue & You is one of our amazing clients, and as a non-profit, their main goal is to educate and inspire today’s youth about ocean conservation. For them, we choose ocean-related holidays every month to create relevant and timely posts. In addition to that, we also use other topics related to ocean conservation like Plastic Free July and other environment-related holidays. While going through all the different holiday possibilities, you pick and choose those that are relevant to your business and use them to fit into your overall goal or mission.
For C3 Social, we love hashtag holidays and get creative to make them relevant to our business! Just take a look at this St. Patty’s Day post. While St. Patrick’s Day might not seem relevant to our business straight away, we tied it into C3 Social by using an essential and well-known part of the day – luck – in the caption. This not only allowed us to wish our followers a happy St. Patrick’s Day, but it also gave us a place to give them some valuable tips and see how they could use our services.
For clients like Jennifer Borget from Cherish365, who has created the Movie Night Journal where she recommends movies for family movie nights including activities, snacks, etc., we gather holidays that relate to movies – or movies that relate to holidays. We get to make some really fun connections for this client, like this Labor Day post:
And if you’re looking for a more creative way to incorporate a hashtag holiday, we’ve got you too! In some cases, you can make a seemingly unrelated day relevant by having some fun with it! This post on National Pancake Day for our client Plastic Paradise links the delicious food to stingrays, sea animals that are lovingly called sea pancakes. As you can see, you can go more literal or get creative with it!
Researching relevant hashtag holidays is a big job, so we’ve done the groundwork for you by creating a list of the most popular and unique hashtags holidays for 2024. If you’re not sure how to go about turning these holidays into posts or simply don’t have the time, then we’re here for you! Let C3 Social take that off your plate so you can focus on your zone of genius. You can contact us any time for a free consultation and see how we can help you level up your social media!
But first, let’s take a look at the most important – and some of our favorite – hashtag holidays coming up in 2024!
2024 Hashtag Holidays Calendar
January Hashtag Holidays
International Creativity Month #InternationalCreativityMonth
January 1: New Year’s Day #NewYearsDay
January 1: National Hangover Day #NationalHangOverDay
January 1: Global Family Day #GlobalFamilyDay
January 2: Science Fiction Day #ScienceFictionDay
January 2: World Introvert Day #WorldIntrovertDay
January 4: National Trivia Day #NationalTriviaDay
January 4: World Braille Day #WorldBrailleDay
January 4: National Spaghetti Day #SpaghettiDay
January 6: National Technology Day #NationalTechnologyDay
January 6: National Take Down the Christmas Tree Day #TakeDowntheChristmasTreeDay
January 8: National Clean Off Your Desk Day #NationalCleanOffYourDeskDay
January 8: War on Poverty Day #WarOnPovertyDay
January 10: National Houseplant Appreciation Day #HouseplantAppreciationDay
January 11: Human Trafficking Awareness Day #HumanTraffickingAwarenessDay
January 11: International Thank-You Day #InternationalThankYouDay
January 13: National Sticker Day #NationalStickerDay
January 14: Organize Your Home Day #OrganizeYourHomeDay
January 15: National Hat Day #NationalHatDay
January 15: Blue Monday #BlueMonday
January 15: Martin Luther King Jr. Day #MLKDay
January 15: National Bagel Day #NationalBagelDay
January 18: National Winnie The Pooh Day #WinnieThePoohDay
January 18: Get to Know Your Customers Day #GetToKnowYourCustomersDay
January 19: National Popcorn Day #NationalPopcornDay
January 20: Cheese Lovers Day #CheeseLoversDay
January 21: National Hugging Day #NationalHuggingDay
January 23: National Pie Day #PieDay
January 24: National Compliment Day #NationalComplimentDay
January 24: International Day of Education #InternationalDayOfEducation
January 25: Opposite Day #OppositeDay
January 26: Australia Day #AustraliaDay
January 27: Holocaust Memorial Day #HolocaustRemembranceDay
January 28: Data Privacy Day #DataPrivacyDay
January 28: International Lego Day #LegoDay
January 30: National Croissant Day #NationalCroissantDay
January 31: Backwards Day #BackwardsDay
January 31: Inspire Your Heart With Art Day #InspireYourHeartWithArtDay
February Hashtag Holidays
National Black History Month
National Heart Health Month
February 2: Groundhog Day #GroundhogDay
February 2: World Wetlands Day #WorldWetlandsDay
February 2: National Bubble Gum Day #BubbleGumDay
February 4: World Cancer Day #WorldCancerDay
February 5: World Nutella Day #WorldNutellaDay
February 6: Safer Internet Day #SaferInternetDay
February 7: National Send a Card to a Friend Day #SendACardToAFriendDay
February 6: Safer Internet Day #SaferInternetDay #SID2024
February 6: National Frozen Yogurt Day #FrozenYogurtDay
February 8: National Boy Scouts Day #BoyScoutsDay
February 9: National Pizza Day #NationalPizzaDay
February 10: Chinese New Year/Lunar New Year #LunarNewYear #ChineseNewYear
February 11: Inventors Day #InventorsDay
February 11: International Day of Women and Girls in Science #WomenAndGirlsInScience
February 11: Super Bowl #SuperBowl
February 12: Darwin Day #DarwinDay
February 13: Self-Love Day #SelfLoveDay
February 13: Galentine’s Day #GalentinesDay
February 13: World Radio Day #WorldRadioDay
February 14: Valentine’s Day #ValentinesDay
February 17: Random Acts of Kindness Day #RandomActsOfKindnessDay
February 18: National Drink Wine Day #NationalDrinkWineDay
February 19: Presidents Day #PresidentsDay
February 20: World Day of Social Justice #SocialJusticeDay
February 20: Love Your Pet Day #LoveYourPetDay
February 22: National Wildlife Day #NationalWildlifeDay
February 22: National Margarita Day #NationalMargarita Day
February 22: World Thinking Day #WorldThinkingDay
February 23: International Stand Up to Bullying Day #StandUpToBullyingDay
February 23: National Skip The Straw Day #SkipTheStrawDay
February 27: International Polar Bear Day #InternationalPolarBearDay
February 27: National Pokémon Day #PokemonDay
February 28: National Pancake Day #NationalPancakeDay
February 29: Digital Learning Day #DLDay
February 29: Leap Day #LeapDay #LeapYear
March Hashtag Holidays
Women’s History Month
Ramadan March 10th – April 9th
March 1: National Peanut Butter Lover’s Day #PeanutButterLoversDay
March 1: World Compliment Day #WorldComplimentDay
March 1: National Day of Unplugging #DayOfUnplugging
March 1: Zero Discrimination Day #ZeroDiscriminationDay
March 1: National Employee Appreciation Day #EmployeeAppreciationDay
March 2: National Read Across America Day #ReadAcrossAmerica
March 3: World Wildlife Day #WorldWildlifeDay
March 4: National Grammar Day #GrammarDay
March 6: National Dentist’s Day #DentistsDay
March 7: National Cereal Day #NationalCerealDay
March 7: World Book Day #WorldBookDay
March 8: International Women’s Day #InternationalWomensDay #IWD2024
March 8: National Proofreading Day #NationalProofreadingDay
March 9: Barbie Day #BarbieDay
March 10: Women & Girls HIV/AIDS Awareness Day #NWGHAAD
March 10: Mario Day #MarioDay
March 10: Daylight Savings #DaylightSavings
March 10: Harriet Tubman Day #HarrietTubmanDay
March 11: National Napping Day #NationalNappingDay
March 12: National Girl Scout Day #GirlScoutDay
March 12: National Plant a Flower Day #PlantaFlowerDay
March 12: Equal Pay Day #EqualPayDay
March 14: Potato Chip Day #NationalPotatoChipDay
March 14: Pi Day #PiDay
March 14: Popcorn Lover’s Day #PopcornLoversDay
March 15: World Consumer Rights Day #WorldConsumerRightsDay
March 15: World Sleep Day #WorldSleepDay
March 16: National Freedom of Information Day #FreedomOfInformationDay
March 16: National Panda Day #NationalPandaDay
March 17: St. Patrick’s Day #StPatricksDay
March 18: Awkward Moments Day #NationalAwkwardMomentsDay
March 19: National Let’s Laugh Day #NationalLetsLaughDay
March 20: First Day of Spring #FirstDayofSpring
March 20: International Day of Happiness #InternationalDayofHappiness
March 20: World Oral Health Day #WorldOralHealthDay
March 20: World Storytelling Day #WorldStorytellingDay
March 21: Elimination of Racial Discrimination Day #RacialDiscriminationDay
March 21: World Poetry Day #WorldPoetryDay
March 21: National Single Parent Day #NationalSingleParentDay
March 22: World Water Day #WorldWaterDay #Water2me
March 23: National Puppy Day #NationalPuppyDay
March 23: World Maths Day #MathsDay
March 23: Earth Hour Day #EarthHourDay
March 24: National Cocktail Day #NationalCocktailDay
March 25: Tolkien Reading Day #TolkienReadingDay
March 26: National Spinach Day #NationalSpinachDay
March 26: Purple Day #PurpleDay
March 29: National Vietnam War Veterans’ Day #VietnamWarVeteransDay
March 29: National Mom and Pop Business Owners Day #NationalMomAndPopBusinessOwnersDay
March 29: Good Friday #GoodFriday
March 30: Doctor’s Day #NationalDoctorsDay
March 31: Transgender Day of Visibility #TDOV
March 31: National Taco Day #NationalTacoDay
March 31: Easter Sunday #Easter
March 31: Manatee Appreciation Day #ManateeAppreciationDay
April Hashtag Holidays
Ramadan March 10th – April 9th
April 1: April Fools Day #AprilFools
April 2: World Autism Awareness Day #WAAD
April 3: Find a Rainbow Day #FindARainbowDay
April 3: National Walking Day #NationalWalkingDay
April 3: National DIY Day #DIYDay
April 5: Walk to Work Day #WalktoWorkDay
April 6: National Carbonara Day #NationalCarbonaraDay
April 7: World Health Day #LetsTalk
April 10: National Siblings Day #NationalSiblingsDay
April 10: Encourage a Young Writer Day #EncourageAYoungWriterDay
April 11: National Pet Day #NationalPetDay
April 12: International Day of Human Space Flight #HumanSpaceFlightDay
April 13: Songkran Festival #SongkranFestival
April 13: National Scrabble Day #ScrabbleDay
April 14: National Gardening Day #NationalGardeningDay
April 15: World Art Day #WorldArtDay
April 15: National Tax Day #TaxDay
April 16: Wear Your Pajamas to Work Day #PJDay
April 17: Haiku Poetry Day #HaikuPoetryDay
April 18: National High-Five Day #NH5D
April 18: Get to Know Your Customers Day #GetToKnowYourCustomersDay
April 18: Patriot’s Day #PatriotsDay
April 20: Volunteer Recognition Day #VolunteerRecognitionDay
April 20: National Look-Alike Day #NationalLookAlikeDay
April 22: Earth Day #EarthDay2024
April 23: National Picnic Day #NationalPicnicDay
April 24: National Administrative Professionals Day #AdministrativeProfessionalsDay
April 24: Denim Day #DenimDay
April 25: World Malaria Day #EndMalariaForGood
April 25: World Penguin Day #WorldPenguinDay
April 25: Take Our Daughters & Sons to Work Day #TODASTW # COUNTONME #TakeOurChildrenToWorkDay
April 26: Arbor Day #ArborDay
April 26: National No Makeup Day #NationalNoMakeupDay
April 28 – May 4: National Small Business Week. #NationalSmallBusinessWeek
April 28: National Superhero Day #NationalSuperheroDay
April 29: International Dance Day #InternationalDanceDay
April 30: National Honesty Day #NationalHonestyDay
April 30: International Jazz Day #JazzDay
April 30: National Adopt a Shelter Pet Day #AdoptAShelterPetDay
May Hashtag Holidays
National Barbecue Month
Asian American Month
May 1: International Workers Day #IntWorkersDay
May 1: May Day #MayDay
May 2: International Harry Potter Day #HarryPotterDay
May 2: World Password Day #WorldPasswordDay
May 3: World Press Freedom Day #WPFD2024
May 3: Space Day #SpaceDay
May 4: International Firefighters Day #InternationalFirefightersDay
May 4: Star Wars Day #StarWarsDay
May 4: National Fitness Day #NationalFitnessDay
May 5: Cinco de Mayo #CincoDeMayo
May 5: World Laughter Day #WorldLaughterDay
May 6: National Nurses Day #NursesDay
May 6: International No Diet Day #InternationalNoDietDay
May 7: World Asthma Day #WorldAsthmaDay
May 7: Thank a Teacher Day #ThankATeacher
May 8: National Receptionist Day #NationalReceptionistDay
May 9: Europe Day #EuropeDay
May 10: World Lupus Day #LupusDay
May 10: National Small Business Day #NationalSmallBusinessDay
May 11: Twilight Zone Day #TwilightZoneDay
May 12: Mother’s Day #MothersDay
May 12: International Nurses Day #InternationalNursesDay
May 15: International Day of Families #FamilyDay
May 15: National Chocolate Chip Day #ChocolateChipDay
May 16: Love a Tree Day #LoveATreeDay
May 16: National BBQ Day #NationalBBQDay
May 17: Day Against Homophobia & Transphobia #IDAHOT
May 17: Endangered Species Day #EndangeredSpeciesDay
May 17: Pizza Party Day #PizzaPartyDay
May 17: Bike-to-Work Day #BikeToWorkDay
May 18: International Museum Day #InternationalMuseumDay
May 20: National Rescue Dog Day #NationalRescueDogDay
May 21: International Tea Day #InternationalTeaDay
May 22: Sherlock Holmes Day #SherlockHolmesDay
May 23: World Turtle Day #WorldTurtleDay
May 24: National Scavenger Hunt Day #NationalScavengerHuntDay
May 27: Memorial Day #MemorialDay
May 27: Sunscreen Day #SunscreenDay
May 28: Hamburger Day #NationalHamburgerDay
May 29: Paperclip Day #PaperclipDay
May 30: National Creativity Day #NationalCreativityDay
May 31: National Smile Day #NationalSmileDay
May 31: World No-Tobacco Day #NoTobacco
May 31: Heat Awareness Day #NoFryDay
June Hashtag Holidays
LGBTQ+ Pride Month
June 1: National Say Something Nice Day #SaySomethingNice
June 1: World Reef Awareness Day #WorldReefAwarenessDay
June 1: International Children’s Day #InternationalChildrensDay
June 2: National Cancer Survivors Day #NCSD2024
June 3: Leave The Office Early Day #LeaveTheOfficeEarlyDay
June 5: World Environment Day #WorldEnvironmentDay
June 6: Higher Education Day #HigherEducationDay
June 7: National Donut Day #NationalDonutDay
June 7: National Chocolate Ice Cream Day #NationalChocolateIceCreamDay
June 8: Best Friends Day #BestFriendsDay
June 8: World Oceans Day #WorldOceansDay
June 9: Donald Duck Day #DonaldDuckDay
June 10: National Iced Tea Day #NationalcedTeaDay
June 11: National Corn on the Cob Day #NationalCornOnTheCobDay
June 11: Make Life Beautiful Day #MakeLifeBeautiful
June 14: National Flag Day #FlagDay
June 14: World Blood Donor Day #GiveBlood
June 14: National Movie Night #NationalMovieNight
June 16: Father’s Day #FathersDay
June 17: National Eat Your Vegetables Day #NationalEatYourVegetablesDay
June 17: Nursing Assistants Day #NursingAssistantsDay
June 17: National Flip Flop Day #NationalFlipFlopDay
June 19: Juneteenth #Juneteenth
June 20: First Day of Summer #FirstDayOfSummer
June 20: World Refugee Day #WorldRefugeeDay
June 21: National Selfie Day #NationalSelfieDay
June 21: World Music Day #WorldMusicDay
June 21: International Yoga Day #InternationalYogaDay
June 21: Take Your Dog to Work Day #TakeYourDogToWorkDay
June 22: World Rainforest Day #WorldRainforestDay
June 23: National Hydration Day #NationalHydrationDay
June 26: National Beautician Day #NationalBeauticianDay
June 27: National Sunglasses Day #NationalSunglassesDay
June 27: National Handshake Day #HandshakeDay
June 27: National HIV Testing Day #NationalHIVTestingDay
June 27: National PTSD Awareness Day #NationalPTSDAwarenessDay
June 30: Social Media Day #SocialMediaDay
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July Hashtag Holidays
Plastic Free July
National Ice Cream Month
July 1: National Postal Worker Day #NationalPostalWorkerDay
July 1: International Joke Day #TellAJoke
July 1: Canada Day #CanadaDay
July 2: World UFO Day #WorldUFODay
July 3: International Plastic Bag Free Day #PlasticBagFreeDay
July 4: Independence Day #July4th
July 5: National Workaholics Day #NationalWorkaholicsDay
July 6: National Fried Chicken Day #NationalFriedChickenDay
July 7: World Chocolate Day #WorldChocolateDay
July 10: National Piña Colada Day #NationalPiñaColadaDay
July 11: Cheer Up the Lonely Day #CheerUpTheLonelyDay
July 12: Malala Day #MalalaDay
July 12: National Simplicity Day #NationalSimplicityDay
July 12: National French Fry Day #NationalFrenchFryDay
July 14: Shark Awareness Day #SharkAwarenessDay
July 15: Give Something Away Day #GiveSomethingAwayDay
July 15: National Clean Beauty Day #CleanBeautyDay
July 17: World Emoji Day #WorldEmojiDay
July 17: National Tattoo Day #TattooDay
July 17: National Hot Dog Day #NationalHotDogDay
July 18: World Listening Day #WorldListeningDay
July 18: Nelson Mandela International Day #MandelaDay
July 18: Get to Know Your Customers Day #GetToKnowYourCustomersDay
July 20: National Moon Day #MoonDay
July 21: National Ice Cream Day #NationalIceCreamDay
July 21: National Junk Food Day #NationalJunkFoodDay
July 22: National Hammock Day #NationalHammockDay
July 24: National Tequila Day #NationalTequilaDay
July 29: National Lipstick Day #NationalLipstickDay
July 30: International Day of Friendship #DayOfFriendship
July 31: Harry Potter’s Birthday #HarryPottersBirthday
July 31: National Watermelon Day #NationalWatermelonDay
August Hashtag Holidays
Black Business Month
August 2: National Coloring Book Day #NationalColoringBookDay
August 4: American Family Day #AmericanFamilyDay
August 4: Friendship Day #FriendshipDay
August 4: Chocolate Chip Cookie Day #ChocolateChipCookieDay
August 4: National Sister Day #NationalSisterDay
August 7: Professional Speakers Day #ProfessionalSpeakersDay
August 8: International Cat Day #InternationalCatDay
August 9: National Book Lovers Day #NationalBookLoversDay
August 10: National Lazy Day #NationalLazyDay #LazyDay
August 11: National Sons and Daughters Day #SonsAndDaughtersDay
August 12: International Youth Day #YouthDay
August 12: World Elephant Day #WorldElephantDay
August 13: International Lefthanders Day #LefthandersDay
August 15: National Relaxation Day #NationalRelaxationDay
August 16: National Tell a Joke Day #NationalTellAJokeDay
August 17: National Nonprofit Day #NationalNonprofitDay
August 18: Bad Poetry Day #BadPoetryDay
August 19: World Photography Day #WorldPhotographyDay
August 19: World Humanitarian Day #WorldHumanitarianDay
August 20: National Lemonade Day #NationalLemonadeDay
August 21: Senior Citizens Day #SeniorCitizensDay
August 26: National Dog Day #NationalDogDay
August 27: World Rock Paper Scissors Day #RockPaperScissors
August 26: National Women’s Equality Day #WomensEqualityDay
August 30: Frankenstein Day (Mary Shelley’s birthday) #FrankensteinDay
August 30: International Whale Shark Day #InternationalWhaleSharkDay
August 30: National Grief Awareness Day #NationalGriefAwarenessDay
August 31: National Eat Outside Day #NationalEatOutsideDay
September Hashtag Holidays
National Suicide Prevention Awareness Month
World Alzheimer’s Disease Month
Liptember (for Women’s Mental Health)
September 15-October 15: National Hispanic Heritage Month
September 2: World Coconut Day #WorldCoconutDay
September 2: Labor Day #LaborDay
September 4: National Wildlife Day #NationalWildlifeDay
September 5: International Day of Charity #CharityDay
September 5: Be Late for Something Day #BeLateForSomethingDay
September 6: Read a Book Day #ReadABookDay
September 6: National Food Bank Day #NationalFoodBankDay
September 7: National Beer Lovers Day #NationalBeerLoversDay
September 7: National Grateful Patient Day #NationalGratefulPatientDay
September 8: World Physical Therapy Day #WorldPhysicalTherapyDay
September 8: International Literacy Day #LiteracyDay
September 8: National Grandparents Day #NationalGrandparentsDay
September 10: World Suicide Prevention Day #SuicidePreventionDay
September 11: National Day of Service and Remembrance #911Day
September 12: National Video Games Day #NationalVideoGamesDay
September 12: National Day of Encouragement #DayOfEncouragement
September 13: Stand Up To Cancer Day #KissCancerGoodbye
September 14: Live Creative Day #NationalLiveCreative Day #LiveCreativeDay
September 14: National Teddy Bear Day #TeddyBearDay
September 15: Online Learning Day #OnlineLearningDay
September 15: Greenpeace Day #GreenpeaceDay
September 16: National Guacamole Day #NationalGuacamoleDay
September 18: International Equal Pay Day #EqualPayDay
September 19: Talk Like a Pirate Day #TalkLikeAPirateDay
September 20: World CleanUp Day #WorldCleanUpDay
September 21: National Singles Day #NationalSinglesDay
September 21: International Day of Peace #PeaceDay
September 21: Miniature Golf Day #MiniGolfDay
September 21: World Alzheimer’s Day #Alzheimer’sDay
September 22: Car-Free Day #CarFreeDay
September 22: American Business Women’s Day #AmericanBusinessWomensDay
September 22: Hobbit Day #HobbitDay
September 22: First Day of Fall #1stDayOfFall
September 25: National Women’s Health and Fitness Day #FitnessDay
September 26: European Day of Languages #EDL2024
September 26: National Family Day #NationalFamilyDay
September 27: World Tourism Day #WTD2024
September 28: World Rabies Day #WorldRabiesDay
September 28: National Good Neighbor Day #GoodNeighborDay
September 29: National Coffee Day #NationalCoffeeDay
September 30: International Podcast Day #InternationalPodcastDay
September 30: National Love People Day #NationalLOVEPeopleDAY
October Hashtag Holidays
Breast Cancer Awareness Month
Domestic Violence Awareness Month
Global Diversity Awareness Month
October 1: World Vegetarian Day #WorldVegetarianDay
October 1: International Coffee Day #InternationalCoffeeDay
October 1: International Day of Older Persons #UNDOP
October 2: Day of Nonviolence #InternationalDayOfNonviolence
October 3: National Techies Day #TechiesDay
October 3: Mean Girls Day #MeanGirlsDay
October 4: World Animal Day #WorldAnimalDay
October 4: National Taco Day #NationalTacoDay
October 5: World Teachers Day #WorldTeachersDay
October 7: National LED Light Day #NationalLEDLightDay
October 7: World Habitat Day #WorldHabitatDay
October 10: World Mental Health Day #WorldMentalHeathDay
October 10: World Sight Day #WorldSightDay
October 11: International Day of the Girl #DayOfTheGirl
October 11: National Coming Out Day #NationalComingOutDay
October 13: National Train Your Brain Day #TrainYourBrainDay
October 14: Indigenous Peoples’ Day #IndigenousPeoplesDay
October 14: National Dessert Day #DessertDay
October 15: Global Handwashing Day #GlobalHandwashingDay
October 16: National Boss’s Day #NationalBossDay #BossDay
October 16: World Food Day #FoodDay
October 17: Eradication of Poverty Day #EndPoverty
October 17: Get to Know Your Customers Day #GetToKnowYourCustomersDay
October 21: Reptile Awareness Day #ReptileAwarenessDay
October 21: National Clean Your Virtual Desktop Day #CleanYourVirtualDesktopDay
October 24: United Nations Day #UNDay
October 25: Greasy Foods Day #GreasyFoodsDay
October 26: National Pumpkin Day #NationalPumpkinDay
October 28: National Chocolate Day #NationalChocolateDay
October 30: National Candy Corn Day #CandyCornDay
October 30: National Publicist Day #NationalPublicist
October 30: Checklist Day #ChecklistDay
October 31: Halloween #Halloween
November Hashtag Holidays
Men’s Health Awareness Month – Movember #Movember
Native American Heritage Month
National Home Care and Hospice Month
November 1: World Vegan Day #WorldVeganDay
November 1: National Author’s Day #NationalAuthorsDay
November 1: International Stress Awareness Day #StressAwarenessDay
November 1: Diwali #Diwali
November 1: Day of the Dead aka Dia de los Muertos (Mexico) #DayoftheDead #diadelosmuertos
November 3: National Sandwich Day #NationalSandwichDay
November 3: Daylight Saving Time Ends #DaylightSavings
November 4: National Candy Day #NationalCandyDay
November 8: National Cappuccino Day #CappuccinoDay
November 8: STEM Day #STEMDay
November 9: Go to an Art Museum Day #ArtMuseums
November 11: Veterans Day #VeteransDay
November 11: Singles’ Day #SinglesDay
November 13: World Kindness Day #WKD #WorldKindnessDay
November 14: World Diabetes Day #WDD
November 15: America Recycles Day #BeRecycled
November 15: Clean Out Your Refrigerator Day #CleanOutYourRefrigeratorDay
November 16: International Day for Tolerance #ToleranceDay
November 17: International Students Day #InternationalStudentsDay
November 17: World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims #WDoR2024 #WDoR
November 19: International Men’s Day #InternationalMensDay
November 19: Women’s Entrepreneurship Day #WomensEntrepreneurshipDay
November 19: National Entrepreneurs Day #EntrepreneursDay
November 21: World Hello Day #WorldHelloDay
November 22: Love Your Freckles Day #LoveYourFrecklesDay
November 26: National Cake Day #NationalCakeDay
November 28: Thanksgiving Day #Thanksgiving
November 29: National Native American Heritage Day #NAHertitage #NativeAmericanHeritageDay
November 29: Black Friday #BlackFriday #BlackFriday2024
November 29: National Day of Listening #DayOfListening
November 30: Small Business Saturday #SmallBusinessSaturday
November 30: Computer Security Day #ComputerSecurityDay
December Hashtag Holidays
HIV/AIDS Awareness Month
Hannukah: Dececember 25 – January 2nd
December 1: World AIDS Day #WAD2024
December 2: Cyber Monday #CyberMonday
December 3: Giving Tuesday #GivingTuesday
December 3: International Day of Persons with Disabilities Day #IDPWD
December 4: National Cookie Day #NationalCookieDay
December 5: World Soil Day #WorldSoilDay
December 5: International Volunteer Day #InternationalVolunteerDay
December 6: National Bartender Day #NationalBartenderDay
December 8: Pretend to Be a Time Traveler Day #PretendToBeATimeTravelerDay
December 10: Nobel Prize Day #NobelPrize
December 10: Human Rights Day #HumanRightsDay
December 11: International Mountain Day #InternationalMountainDay
December 12: Gingerbread House Day #GingerbreadHouseDay
December 13: National Cocoa Day #NationalCocoaDay
December 20: Ugly Sweater Day #UglySweaterDay
December 21: Crossword Puzzle Day #CrosswordPuzzleDay
December 22: First Day of Winter #WinterSolstice
December 24: Christmas Eve #ChristmasEve
December 25: Christmas Day #Christmas
December 26: Boxing Day #BoxingDay
December 28: Call a Friend Day #CallAFriendDay
December 31: No Interruptions Day #NoInterruptionsDay
December 31: New Year’s Eve #NewYearsEve
Come back whenever you’re creating your social media posts for the month and find some relevant hashtag holidays!
And if you’d rather spend your valuable time in your zone of genius, outsourcing your social media marketing could be a great choice. Contact us now for a free consultation and see how C3 Social can help you level up your social media!
How to Create Social Media Content Pillars (+ FREE Worksheet!)
Are you wondering how to create social media content pillars? This blog will give you all the information you need to know on how to create your own social media content pillars plus a FREE worksheet! How do you decide what to post on social media? If you’re...
4 Ways a Digital Marketing Strategist Can Help You
Are you thinking of hiring a digital marketing strategist but not sure how they can help you? Check out this blog for 4 ways a Digital Marketing Strategist can help you in your small business! Were you excited about digital marketing when you started your business?...
How to Start With a Digital Marketing Strategist
Are you looking for tips on how to start with a digital marketing strategist? We’ll give you all the deets here! Many business owners would love some help in their business, but find it hard to find a trusted person that has the expertise they need. Especially when...