Want to know how to improve your small business brand? Here are 5 tips to help you take your brand from unnoticed and scattered to cohesive and well-defined!
A small business can stand or fall with branding. Your brand is how your customers perceive your business and recognize your products in a sea of other small businesses. You want potential customers to stop their scroll online when they see your stuff, and the best way to do that is by having a well defined brand that gives clarity on what you do.
So if you’ve been putting off your branding, thinking you’ll get it done once you’re up and running, this is your wake-up call. Your branding is part of your small business, and it should be at the forefront of it. Because it’s literally the first impression you make on anyone coming across your business. You can have the best product, if your branding doesn’t pull in those customers, it’ll be harder making those sales.
So how do you get your branding together or improve your existing branding? Keep on reading to find out!
1) Do Your Research
Could this be why you skipped the branding step when starting your business? Because getting your branding together takes research, and it can be hard to know what to look for if this isn’t your expertise. First you need to know who your ideal customers are. Who is going to buy your product or service? You want your branding to speak to them directly, so you want to be specific!
Once you know your ideal audience, you need to do market research on what they like. While you can absolutely put parts of you into your brand, the main goal is to speak to your customers. So your branding needs to make sense to your customers and in relation to what you are selling in your business.
2) Define Your Brand Story
You want your business to stand for something, and your brand story will help you share this with your customers. A brand story is not really about how you started your business, but more about what your business stands for, how your business helps your customers, and where the business is headed. Having a clear brand story will help your customers connect with your business on level that goes past just buying something. If they believe in your brand story, they will come back and might even refer their friends!
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3) Define Your Assets
Not only do you want your brand story to be clear, you also want your name, logo, color palette and photography style to be on point as well. These are the first things people will see when they come across your brand, so you want to catch their attention and draw them in. Your brand research will help you figure out what speaks to your ideal clients and what would make them pick you over another business. Basing your assets on this knowledge will help you catch their attention.
4) Be Consistent
Once you have set yourself up for success, it’s extremely important that you stay consistent. On average, it takes around 5 to 7 impressions for a potential customer to start remembering your brand and consider buying. So you want to remain consistent in your branding by sticking to your colors and message. This will make your brand easy to recognize so it’ll stick with your audience. This will help convince them to buy from you!
5) Deliver Value
What sets your business apart from other businesses? You want to give your customers something extra so you can have an edge over competitors, like great customer service, the best product or personal advice. Maybe you have a membership so customers can save for discounts or get extra perks. Or maybe your socials give out the best advice in the industry. By giving more than you take, you build a level of trust with your customers that will have them come back time and time again. What type of value will help your business most will be different for each type of business, so you want to find something that sets you apart, while not undercutting your own bottom line.
Be Unique
Running a small business means that you’re competing with lots of other small and bigger businesses. Having a unique brand that is well researched and speaks to your customers will help you stand out from the crowd. That’s why we believe that your brand should be a priority, no matter at what stage of business you’re in right now. It’s what will help customers connect with your business and what will get them to buy.
If you’re not sure how to put together a brand that will draw in your ideal customer, don’t worry. At C3 Social, we can help you figure out your brand and create a consistent presence that will make your business stand out. It will take all the stress out of this process for you, meaning you can focus on what you do best in your business.
If you’d like to chat more about how we can help you improve your business brand, we’d love to chat! You can schedule a no-pressure consultation call here to see what we could do for you.
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