
Near Bermuda in the sub-tropical gyre

Wanna hear what 21 days at sea is like when you haven’t been on a boat for longer than a few hours? I’ll be speaking, showing slides and video about my plastic pollution research expedition. I went with the 5 Gyres non-profit and a group of citizen scientists. There were 14 of us in total, including the Captain and his First Mate. We collected 31 water samples across the North Atlantic sub-tropical and sub-polar gyre from Bermuda to Iceland… and they all had plastic in them!

There will also be the super fun SurfGodHtB (which stands for Heal The Bay) app to play, with prizes. Creator Matt Fairweather with Torrid Games and Heal The Bay have partnered on a new first-person surf app for your iPhone/iPad. Score points by grabbing rubbish out of the water and answering “trashy” questions. J

I’ll also be showing what some of the most common single-use items are and what you can replace them with.

Come join us at the YMCA in Santa Monica, this Thursday, July 30 at 6pm. The event is open to the public. Hope to see you there!

Download the app at http://www.healthebay.org/surfgod