VOTE Yes on Prop 37!

VOTE Yes on Prop 37!

I’m on a flight checking my last-minute emails before having to shut down (you know how that is, not having your phone for 2 whole hours!) and I get one from CREDO action.  Credo in Latin means “I believe.”  They are an impressive organization that allows people to...
Why Use Reusable Water Bottles

Why Use Reusable Water Bottles

In the time since I did my video on reusable water bottles, new, safe and innovative products have been coming out all the time. Some things that don’t change are the reasons not to use single use PET plastic water bottles. (Abbreviated as PET, polyethylene...
Label GMO’s, Pamm Larry Interview

Label GMO’s, Pamm Larry Interview

Tiffany Paige of Green With Tiffany is at the Green Festival and speaks to Pamm Larry about genetically engineered foods or GMO’s. We have the right to know what’s in our food. California is collecting signatures in an initiative to Label GMO’s and...