Baby Harp Seals at the Green Festival

Baby Harp Seals at the Green Festival

Do you love the baby harp seal as much as me? Ian Robichud founder of does. Even more so because he is dedicating his time and life to help stop this barbaric, unnecessary cruelty of the clubbing and killing of these beautiful vulnerable babies....
Save Money on Fuel with the Chevy Volt

Save Money on Fuel with the Chevy Volt

Luke takes us on a ride and drive at the AltCar Expo in Santa Monica. The AltCar Expo is an alternative fuel vehicle conference that showcases alternative fuel vehicles and technology. You can even take some models for a spin. The Chevy Volt is a hybrid vehicle. It...
Green With Tiffany At The Y in Santa Monica!

Green With Tiffany At The Y in Santa Monica!

Wanna hear what 21 days at sea is like when you haven’t been on a boat for longer than a few hours? I’ll be speaking, showing slides and video about my plastic pollution research expedition. I went with the 5 Gyres non-profit and a group of citizen scientists....