Take Care of You, Boo!

Take Care of You, Boo!

Written for Coco Eco Taking care of yourself is not an option – it’s a necessity. We must nourish ourselves during these challenging times. Relax, restore and replenish. Don’t be “burnt toast.” What does this mean? You give every one around you the good pieces...
Dumpster Diving With Rob Greenfield

Dumpster Diving With Rob Greenfield

Written for Planet Experts Believe it or not, I met Rob Greenfield on Twitter. I was so impressed with what he was doing that I decided to go meet him. I was going to be in San Diego where he is based and just stayed an afternoon longer to meet up and have Rob take me...
All About Togetherness

All About Togetherness

Written for Planet Experts (This is a guest blog by our Viking Gyre crew member Tiffany Paige who runs the blog Green With Tiffany.  For those of you following this blog closely, this was written on day three when we still had sun and warmth.) We are out to sea. I...
I Am TreePeople: Neenah and Tiffany Paige

I Am TreePeople: Neenah and Tiffany Paige

Written for TreePeople.org In 1981, TreePeople set a lofty goal to plant 1 million trees in Los Angeles by the start of the 1984 Olympics. This would be a towering feat for any organization, but TreePeople gathered all of its muscle to get it done. Many trees were...