I was at a book signing for Jeffrey Hollender, Co-Founder of Seventh Generation, an environmentally-safe household and personal care product line.  I went to introduce myself and standing next to Jeffrey was his wife Sheila.  I said “hello” and told Sheila that my name was Tiffany and that I do a “green” blog called “Green With Tiffany”.  While shaking hands she said two words…”organic tampons”.  Okay…interesting.  Good thing I was female. Still am, actually.  We got into a conversation about the importance of them.  Of course it makes perfect sense, but it might not be something you think about because you’re already using a familiar brand.

Emerita Organic Tampons

Emerita Organic Tampons

There are many name brands we’re familiar with out there: Tide, Coca Cola, Tampax (OK, sir, maybe not you).  We grew up with them, but that doesn’t mean we should use these products.  Familiarity isn’t necessarily safe or environmentally conscious.  So I’m calling this “Fire In The Hole”.  I know it’s a bit crass, you’ll see, but “Lucy, let me esplain”.

We are big on organics these days and with good reason.  Organic fruits and vegetables, foods that we ingest that are pesticide free.  Organic materials such as silk and cottons.  We want chemical free against our body like organic cotton sheets.  Here’s one we’re not thinking of…organic tampons.  We want organic cotton clothing against our skin, but what about inside of us?  In the most personal, sensitive, and delicate of areas.  Conventional tampons are made of cotton and rayon that is whitened with a chemical called Chlorine Dioxide.  In addition cotton relies on the use of heavy pesticides for it’s crops, and keep in mind 20-30 years ago when your Mom was using Tampax or Playtex, cotton might not have been bathed in the extra-strength pesticides we now use to bring cotton to an ever growing population of billions of people.  Now think of inserting that assault torpedo of chemical warfare inside your snug, warm tissues (ok maybe a bit too descriptive; couldn’t be any worse than a Harlequin romance novel), for hours.  How can that be OK?  The thought really freaks me out.  I used to buy the giant Costco-sized box from, you guessed it…Costco.  That way I was never left in a compromising position.  A couple in my purse, a few in my luggage, glovebox, sprinkled around like a first aid kit.  I can’t buy the family size box (that I don’t share with my family) anymore.

Seventh Generation Organic Tampons

Seventh Generation Organic Tampons

I demand organic tampons!  Did you know that if every woman in America of menstruating age switched out just one box of conventional tampons for organic ones, you would prevent 57,000 pounds of toxic synthetic pesticides from being released into the environment; our lakes, streams, rivers and us.  Ewww!  Luckily Seventh Generation sells organic tampons, as well as Natracare.

Natracare Organic Tampons

Natracare Organic Tampons

Unfortunately they are expensive.  I used to get 100 for $11.99 or so.  Now it’s $9.49 for 16 at Whole Foods or you can find them for a little less online.  Whoa! That’s a big hike, but ladies we always knew it’s expensive to be a chick.  We spend billions on lotions and potions and creams, oh my!  We even listen to the L’Oreal commercial about being “Worth It”.  Ok, I’m stealing their slogan “You’re Worth It”.  Your body is worth it.  Don’t we as women have enough female issues?  We don’t need anymore and maybe this could help stop a few.  So on your next “Ladies Day” (as my Mom calls it; she makes it sound like a tea party…so not), cork it organic-style with chlorine-free, fragrance free, and pesticide-free all cotton tampons.  Because you’re worth it!