Hauschka LodgeA friend of mine who lives in Germany introduced to me to a line of products I fell in love with.

The Dr. Hauschka skin care line of 100% natural skin care products was introduced in 1967.  Grown biodynamically and organically or ethically wild harvested, these products have a 40+ year history.

Born in 1891 in Austria, Rudolf Hauschka was a chemist.  He met and followed the teachings of a man named Dr. Rudolf Steiner, who was a Philosopher and founder of Anthroposophy.  Dr. Steiner gave a lecture to German farmers on what is now termed to be Biodynamics.

Biodynamics is a holistic, sustainable form of agriculture that dates back to the 1920s. Today, farms, gardens and vineyards all over the world employ Biodynamic methods with great success. Biodynamic farming recognizes the rhythmic, symbiotic relationships between soil, plants, animals, human beings, the earth and the sun, with the ultimate goal of making each garden or farm a healthy, self-sustaining ecosystem.

When Dr. Hauschka asked Dr. Steiner, “What is the meaning of life?” — his answer was “study rhythm.”  “Rhythm carries life.” That was the beginning.

Hauschka Limited Edition Body Wash Kit

Limited Edition Body Wash Kit

The rhythmical processing method succeeded in creating stable, watery botanical extracts without the use of alcohol or artificial preservatives.

With the help of a third person, esthetician Elisabeth Sigmund, the Dr. Hauschka skin care line was born, along with holistic home remedies and homeopathic medicines that were founded in 1935.

Dr.Hauschka’s manufacturer WALA Heilmittel has owned and maintained its own Biodynamically-cultivated gardens for over sixty years. Many of the botanicals used in Dr.Hauschka Skin Care and Holistic Home Remedies preparations come from these very gardens, as well as from the Biodynamic farm they now operate nearby.

Hauschka Rose Day Cream

Rose Day Cream

They say ingredients matter and quality ingredients matter most.  There is a very thorough ingredient glossary on their site for the botanist out there.  I have tried much of the line, from the body wash to the hand crème.  My absolute favorite is the facial Rose Day Cream.  They call it “Day” cream because Dr. Hauschka Skin Care doesn’t believe in using night creams, just cleansing and toning.  It’s rich and oh so nice.  Best part is when my doggie gives me little licks — although not edible per se, I don’t freak out that she’s ingesting a bunch of chemicals.

I look forward to trying the regenerating line of moisturizer, eye cream and even the cream for your neck and décolleté.  It may be a little pricey, but no more than a Lancome or Estee Lauder cream.  The difference is that this has no chemicals, no preservatives, is all-natural, uses eco-conscious packaging and does not test on animals.  When you find a company that stays true to their belief and is powered by principle after all this time, that is a company you can believe in.

Rudolf Hauschka’s goal is “to support the healing of humanity and the earth.”  This is definitely a company that chooses to care.