I’m on a flight checking my last-minute emails before having to shut down (you know how that is, not having your phone for 2 whole hours!) and I get one from CREDO action.  Credo in Latin means “I believe.”  They are an impressive organization that allows people to band together to take action.  From a 10-year-old boy wanting a petition signed to save wild horses from being caught, sold and slaughtered, to people signing up and volunteering their time for a phone bank to call voters and urge them to vote YES on Prop 37, the proposition to label GMO’s on our food.  I shut down and closed my eyes.  Man I can’t believe I forgot my pillow.  It is 6am and my eyes well up with tears.  Not because my head is so uncomfortable against the window where my Ralph Lauren bear pillow should be, but because when people band together we can create change more powerful than we know.

When people band together we can create change more powerful than we know.

Vote Yes on Prop 37 to label GMO foods

I, for one, have in the past wanted to write a congressman or my state or local representative, but found the task too daunting.  Everyone is so busy.  Sometimes we barely have time to put our lipstick on, right ladies?  But now letting your representative know about movements that you believe in are a click away, and if not, the phone number and contact information of the representatives are usually provided by the movement.  There are even examples of what to write.  Like-minded people can join forces to make change happen and the first step is choosing to care.

Prop 37 has been something I’ve watched and help grow from the time I met Pamm Larry (a grandma who decided labeling genetically engineered foods should be on our packaging) last year, to helping getting signatures to just get it on the ballot and now the outreach of so many working night and day to get it passed into law.  This is a true grassroots effort and I get emails and videos from California Right To Know each day, events to attend, and sign-ups for volunteer work.  So I clicked on the CREDO email, which takes me to www.carighttoknow.org/phone_bank?ak_proof=1.

I saw the phone bank sign-up and decided to pick a day before the election to help – each day there are tons of RSVPs.  It makes me proud to be an American and proud to be in California where so many have worked long and hard to make this happen even with big business spending millions against it.

It takes a thought – “Choose to care“ – an action, and a little bit of “We The People”… and that is what our country is founded on.  Vote Yes on Proposition 37!