Today at the Green Festival Tiffany Paige talks to Barb representing Happy Family is an all-organic baby food that has expanded to toddler food, and kid food. It’s great nutrition for the whole family that you can find at Target, Whole Foods, Sprouts, and Mother’s Market. These premium products are delicious and in convenient pouches with a lot of great nutrition. Happy Family was started by a couple of mom’s who found that we really needed to have good, healthy products for kids. To teach our kids how to be great eaters from the very beginning and develop an intense palate of knowing what real food tastes like. That was the mission behind it. It’s an environmentally-friendly company as well as socially conscious. Every package of Happy Baby that is purchased, money is given to

This organization supports malnourished kids in Malawi and Sierra Leone in Africa. It’s globally conscious, it’s socially conscious and it’s a really great company to work for.
Barb has 3 kids of her own and all of them love the pouches. Her 5 year old gets them in her lunchbox and even her 1 year old sucks them down. It’s also good because when kids start to become independent they like to do things on their own, which can be a struggle for parents, but they can learn to do this on their own. They’re still getting something nutritious that mom loves.
Barb’s favorite is the kale, apple, mango and she always has the caramel, yogurt, and apple bits on hand There are lots of different snacks to choose from and Barb always has something in her car or diaper bag. Whenever her kids are hungry she knows she’s giving them something nutritious and that she’s proud to serve them.

Happy Baby, Happy Family!