Hands up if you love working from home in comfy clothes more than going in to work to stare at your cubicle walls! Back when I worked in pro sports, I knew that cubicle life very well and while I loved my job, I honestly have to say that I love working from home and running my own business even more. There’s flexibility in your schedule to fit in that afternoon workout, but also the benefit of having your pet keep you company. On the downside, there can be a lot of distractions so you might be wondering what productivity hacks can help you achieve more in less time. It’s definitely something I’ve thought about too, especially when I started working from home.
Do you feel like you need some extra hours in the day to get all your work done? You might be surprised at some of the easy methods you can put into place to work more efficiently. There are a few tricks to be more productive that can really help you get more done in a day, and that will help you win back hours of your time.
Here are my top 7 productivity hacks, tips and tricks on how to achieve more in less time and get more done during the work day!
1) Get Organized!
Have you ever sat down at your desk, opened your inbox, widened your eyes at the hundreds of new emails, and then just got back to work sorting through the emails like a sorting machine? It feels good to get down to a 0 Inbox, but the issue with this kind of work system is that it might not keep you as organized as you need to be – especially if there are some projects that have priority over others.
Try this instead: At the start of your work day, grab your cup of coffee, and write down all the tasks that you need to get done in the day. If you know WHAT needs to get done, it’s easier to start checking off some of those to-dos while also making sure to prioritize those super important projects!
Then develop a priority system. I like to number the tasks that are most important my simply writing 1, 2, 3, etc next to them in the left-hand margin. By creating a priority to do list for yourself, you’ll be better able to schedule out your work day and get those important tasks done on time.
I also love to write a to-do list the night before or at the end of the workday for the following day, so I’m fully prepared for the next day.
2) Use the Pomodoro Technique
If you’re asking yourself ‘the what now?’ don’t worry. I was right there with you in the beginning, but I found the Pomodoro technique to be a very helpful productivity hack! It’s a way to work in intervals. For example, you do focused work for 25 minutes and then take a 5 minute break. There are lots of free Pomodoro type timers that will alert you at the different intervals, but overall, this is a great way to work and the science proves it.
According to Psychology Minds, intentional breaks helps you fight off boredom and keep you focused for longer. Intentional breaks like doing a five minute stretch, taking a short walk, or playing with your pet helps refresh your mind before you get back to your next task.
Traditionally a Pomodoro period is 25 minutes with a 5 minute break, but you can customize it to your desire. Using a Pomodoro timer is a great way to stay on track.

3) Get Outside
Taking regular breaks away from your computer will help you focus better during the times that you are working. And taking the time to go on a 15 to 30 minute walk will not only give you that break, but it also helps you stay active and gets you outside!
Ever since I’ve started working from home, I take a 15-20 minute walk around midday with my dog. This is never something I did when I worked in a corporate setting, but I relish this little break and I’ve come to appreciate the outdoors and nature even more, even if it’s just in my little neighborhood.
4) “Eat the Frog”
Have you ever heard of this phrase? Don’t worry if you haven’t. It simply means to start your day with the biggest or hardest project first. Oftentimes, we procrastinate starting a big project because it looms so large in our minds, so much so that we keep putting it off. But if you make it an intentional act to do the biggest, hardest, most important project first in your day, you’ll not only feel very accomplished, but those other tasks on your to-do list won’t seem so daunting anymore.
When you write out your to-do list, prioritize that most important thing by putting it at the top of your list. And then actually get it done first thing in the morning. Trust me, you’ll feel great after!
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5) Work on Something for “10 Minutes”
Are you prone to procrastinate getting started on that next to-do list item? You’re not alone. Starting is usually the hardest part of a project! One helpful productivity hack to get around this is to tell yourself that you’ll work on that task for “only 10 minutes”. Only 10 minutes is nothing, right? It’s so easy that you’ll find yourself saying “I can do 10 minutes” of whatever task you’ve been avoiding. But the best thing about this little procrastination hack is that more often than not, you get into the task and you end up working on it way longer.
You just have to trick your brain into getting started, and once you’re going, you’ll probably make great progress. You might even get it finished completely. There are so many times where I start for “only 10 minutes,” keep working for double or triple that, finish the task, and then wonder why I had been avoiding it for so long because it was wrapped up so quickly!
6) Break Down Your Projects
Some of those large projects are hard to start with because they seem like so much work. And once you do start on them, they seem never-ending because you’re only thinking about that end goal.
Try this instead: Break those big projects down into bite-size steps. Just imagine you’re creating social media content for a whole month. That’s a huge project! So break it down into itty bitty steps that are doable and manageable and easy to check off your list. Here’s what your to do list might look like:
- Decide what Hashtag Holidays you want to write about by looking through a list
- Sketch out a rough calendar of how many posts you want to have
- Write copy for 1 week of posts
- Create graphics for 1 week of posts
- Rinse and repeat
See how that’s much more manageable by using this productivity hack? It’ll be easier to get started on one of those tasks, and you can track your progress along the way.
Another idea for your social media content? Hire social media pros like us! We can take that whole project off your plate so you can focus on other important parts of your business!
7. Use a Project Management System
The best way to keep track of everything that needs to get done is by organizing it all in one place. I love to use Asana to keep an overview of everything that needs to get done! It allows you to have all your tasks and timelines neatly organized so it’s very easy to see what needs to get done today, this week, and over the next quarter. You can then use your project management system to write out your list for the day!
Want to Really Know How to Get More Done During the Work Day?
Ultimately, there are only 24 hours in a day, and you also have to sleep! Try to be realistic about how much you can take on and get done in a day.
These productivity hacks, tips and tricks on how to get more done during the work day will help you immensely, especially if you’re clear on your to-do’s for a day, if you’re using a focus technique like Pomodoro and if you take regular, intentional breaks.
But really, there is only so much you can do on your own. If you truly want to get more done in a day, you might need to bring someone on to your team that you can trust and rely on. At C3 Social, we specialize in getting things done for you. Whether it’s social media marketing, website design or content marketing, we can take those tasks off your plate and help you grow your business.
If you want to find out more about our services and how we can help you, then book a free consultation here!
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